History of Indykpol starts in 1951 with the establishment of an Agency of Eggs and Poultry Central in Olsztyn. Thirteen years later the plant was separated from the Central and the autonomous Olsztynskie Zakłady Drobiarskie are established. The growth of the company required significant changes which included, among other, the need to integrate the areas of raw materials, production and processing with the ongoing processes of concentration and specialization of production.

The recipe for success was to specialize in turkey production and to realize large-scale production of turkey meat products. In 1990, during the period of great political, social and economic changes in Poland, Indykpol also changed. Two autonomous plants were separated from the Company: The Poultry Plant in Iława and the Breeding Center in Frednowy which (renamed as the Turkey Breeding Center - OHI) became part of the Indykpol Capital Group once again in 2004. The return of the Breeding Center turned out to be an astute move as control over the OHI enables Indykpol to offer meat of the highest quality.


1991 was the year of great changes. The Olsztyńskie Zakłady Drobiarskie was privatized and started business activities under the business name of Indykpol. Apart the assets from the liquidated state company, the capital was provided by Rolmex S.A., Anrol S.A., and Lattinane Investment Ltd. Privatization was a definitive step forward as the ineffective state-owned company was replaced by an enterprise which quickly became one of the leaders on the poultry market.


As time passed, Indykpol turned its attention to acquisition of capital for investments and opening new markets. A chance presented itself in the form of the stock market. On December 1, 1993 the company changed its organizational form and since then operates as Indykpol Spółka Akcyjna (Joint-Stock Company).  After the successes in 1991 and 1993, the company was set to achieve more and on April 21, 1994, Indykpol became the first public company in the whole Warmińsko-Mazurskie region. In October 1994 the shares of Indykpol S.A. were first quoted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Thanks to public subscription, the capital of the company grew and it was able to introduce new production solutions, extend its resource base and grow its distribution range.  


After four years on the stock exchange, Indykpol S.A. decided to join the process of consolidation of the poultry market. After acquisition of blocks of shares in Eldrob S.A. and Lubdrob S.A., Indykpol became the leader of a capital group composed of poultry enterprises.

History In Dates

1951 - State Egg and Poultry Branch in Olsztyn is established

1964 - The Olsztyn Poultry Plant is established

1980 - The Turkey Breeding Center (OHI) in Frednowy commences its operations - it is the first establishments that produces turkey poults in Poland.

1985 - A new production plant is opened in Olsztyn

1991 - The Olsztyn Poultry Plant is converted into private company Indykpol - Rolmex S.A. acts as a strategic investor.

July 1994 - The company acquires an industry shareholder - Jerome Foods Inc.

Oct 12, 1994 - first quotation of shares of Indykpol S.A. on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW)

May 17, 1996 - The top management of the company and its main shareholders adopt the Indykpol Charter that defines the mission, vision and key success factors of the company.

Mar 30, 1998 - Indykpol acquires blocks of shares of Eldrob S.A. and Lubdrob S.A and establishes a capital group of poultry companies.

August of 1999 - The HACCP system is implemented

July 1, 2000 - Merger of Indykpol S.A and Lubdrob S.A.

July 7, 2000 - Merger of Indykpol S.A and Łyna Sp. z o.o.

August 15, 2003 - Achieving the position of controlling investor in Eldrob S.A.

2004 - Implementation of the new marketing strategy, based on the Indykpol brand.

April of 2004 - Obtaining certificates: IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (British Retail Consortium).

May of 2004 - Obtaining the ISO 9001:2000 (Quality Management System) certificate

July 1, 2004 - Merger of Indykpol S.A with Frednowy Turkey Breeding Center

July 31, 2006 - Opening of a new production room and commissioning of a hot-dog sausage flow production line

October of 2006 - a new hot-dog sausage family - “Jedynki” is launched on the market

November of 2007 - Inauguration of the second edition of the Health Olympics - a nation-wide campaign under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

December of 2008 - Indykpol is awarded I Prize in the regional contest “National Innovation Leaders 2008” in the following categories: “Innovative Company” and “Innovative Product”

January 1, 2009 - Commissioning of a modern chicken slaughter and cutting line in the Lublin plant.

April 1, 2009 - Commissioning of an eco-friendly boiler station in the Olsztyn plant - the boilers are fueled by biological resources.

February, 2010 - Commissioning of a modern production line for chicken in the Olsztyn plant.

May of 2010 - For the second time, Indykpol becomes the titular sponsor of a volleyball team from Olsztyn - AZS UWM Olsztyn

December 7, 2010 - the “Indykpol Brand” Sp. z o.o. is established.

March 30, 2011 - Nutripol Sp. z o.o. is acquired (prior name: Wytwórnia Pasz w Olsztynku Sp. z o.o.)

August 31, 2011 - transformation of “Indykpol Brand” Sp. z. o.o. (a subsidiary) into a limited partnership (sp. k.).

August of 2012 - “QAFP” certificate (Quality Assurance for Food Products)

May of 2015 - A new meat snack is launched on the market - the “Jedynki MEN” hot-dog sausages

September of 2015 - the “Packaged Poultry - Quality Under Control” campaign is launched under auspices of the Polish National Poultry Council (KRD).

April 25, 2016 - Indykpol becomes the only shareholder of Eldrob S.A.

July of 2016 - Modernization and extension of pâté department at Indykpol’s plant in Olsztyn

October 2016 - Indykpol is awarded the title of “Food Market Leader” during the IX Food Market and Trade Forum

October 2016 - a new plant specializing in chicken chilling, cutting and packaging is opened in the Lublin branch of Indykpol

December of 2016 - finalization of works related to modernization and extension of turkey hatchery in Frednowy OHI.

January of 2017 - finalization of modernization of the Nutripol Sp. z o.o. feed mill.

February of 2017 - Indykpol is authorized to operate within the Special Economic Zone in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie region.

July of 2017 - Implementation of the new brand strategy connected to change in the graphic identity of Indykpol’s products.

March 1, 2018 - Sale of the branch in Lublin along with the chick hatchery in Turka

August 6, 2018 - Establishment of "ZDROWY DRÓB" Sp. z o.o. based in Olsztyn

October 1, 2018 - Commencement of operations by "ZDROWY DRÓB" Sp. z o.o.

September 20, 2018 - Announcement of the merger plan between Indykpol S.A. and LZD "Eldrob" S.A. on the websites of both companies and notification to shareholders of the intention to merge

November 30, 2018 - Merger of Indykpol S.A. with LZD "Eldrob" S.A.

May 28, 2019 – Adoption of a share buyback program for the purpose of their cancellation by the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

October 2, 2019 - Sale of the branch in Świebodzin

December 18, 2019 – Execution of a compulsory buyout of shares held by minority shareholders

January 16, 2020 – Adoption of a resolution by the EGM to delist the company's shares from the stock exchange

February 28, 2020 – Cancellation of 500,000 treasury shares acquired by the company by resolution of the EGM

June 11, 2020 – Delisting of the company's shares from the stock exchange